For the purposes of our study, it is interesting to specify a concept of radicalization,
defined as that process in which a person will adopt a system of values
or beliefs of an extremist nature, including the willingness to use, support or facilitate
violence as a method to carry out some social change. Therefore, it will vary in
content depending on the social context in which it is going to be used. In this order, the
Terrorism can be a consequence of radicalism, but it is not obligatory and
necessarily its purpose. To refine the issue further, radicalization is evolutionary
towards extremism, using violence as a legitimate means to achieve goals.
Daesh's radicalization process is the basis of its terrorism, therefore, its
Prevention is one of the priority objectives of health policies and strategies.
security. The dissemination of terrorist content intervenes in this process, and it must
take into account the recent Regulation (EU) 2021/784, of the European Parliament and of the
Council, of April 29, on the fight against the dissemination of terrorist content in
line, in order to sustainably prevent radicalization in society.
Narrative of Daesh through Arkan
The new Daesh magazine begins with a reflection, saying:
«O Muslims! Do not think that the war we are fighting is only the war of the
Islamic State. Rather, it is the war of the Muslims in their entirety. It's war
of all Muslims everywhere, and the Islamic State is simply the
spearhead in this war. It's nothing more than the war of the people of faith (Mumin)
against the people of disbelief (Kafir), so march towards their war, oh
Muslims. March everywhere, because it is an obligation for everyone
Muslim who is responsible to Allah «
Khalīfah Ibrāhīm al-Qurashī
Some objectives are stated, namely:
to. Bring to humanity the worship of Allah, advocating that all beings
Humans are slaves of Allah, requiring the implementation of Sharia
Islamic. For this we must create a political system that governs and guides
all, so that religion and politics, in this system, go hand in hand.
b. Establish a wilayah to follow the example of establishing a Caliphate.
To achieve the above, they are based on some fundamentals of the methodology.
from Ahl As-Sunnah Wal-Jama`ah, i.e.:
to. TRUE. Sharia is the true religion of Allah.
b. Perfection. The perfection of Sharia must be carried out, since it is
absolute for all creation, as well as permanent both in this life and
for the return.
c. Prohibition. The foregoing results in the fact that there is a prohibition
of bringing before Allah and His Messenger questions or matters that are not of
d. Compliance. Full compliance with sharia rules is required under
an absolute sincerity.
and. Obligation. Even if there is full agreement, and under full
compliance, opinions and questions have probably been presented
contradictory, so it will be mandatory to refer to the evidence of what has been
said Allah.
F. The rejection of that which contradicts Sharia and declares it invalid. Everything that
Comply with the Quran and the Sunnah is the Truth, it is accepted and acted upon,
Otherwise it must be rejected.
g. Cut off the means of innovating in religion.
h. Hisba. Order good and prohibit evil.
- Psycho-criminological characteristics of the Daesh narrative?
It is enough to access any narrative and propaganda spread by Daesh to
reach the conclusion that it is characterized by the following criminological items:
to. War narrative based on figures of war, battle, enemy, each with their own
casuistry. Being one of the main objectives that weapons are taken to
not to be a disobedient to what Sharia requires.
b. It is hostile, but not impulsive, it reflects fidelity to the ideology of defensive jihad and
of implementation of the Islamic Caliphate.
c. It is general in nature, aimed at everyone, under the same elements
psychological: bellicosity, but also xenophobic for a class jihad, it is
that is, towards non-Muslims or towards Muslims who do not apply the law
d. It is aimed at conquering the minds of men who have the same
ideology, and to awaken those who do not yet have it, to destroy a
moral and social structure.
and. It seeks to divert loyalty from the established order in a country, if it wins
fighters, mujahideen, sympathizers for their narrative and propaganda, the
The country's government is losing strength.
F. The narrative used uses drives, in this case, aggressive, rising in the
fight of jihad, using the psychological control of the population as
tactical objective.
g. The plot is constantly repetitive, in a methodical and simple way, with
emotional impacts.
h. The magazine is a narrative in itself, it is the vehicle of violence, so it does not
You only have to take into account the message, but also the sender and the receiver,
given that in writing we find the value of the stimulation of some and the
attitude of others.
Yo. These communications last over time and are always brought to the present, to
that they do not fall into oblivion.
From the psycho-criminological point of view it can be stated that the factors of
risk in radicalization are propitiators and facilitators that push a subject to
jihad, helping to make it radical and its process justified and supported by
violent actions. In this context, it is stated that, in radicalization, use is made of
a narrative under motivations, with a previously determined initial impulse, this
Radicalization is progressive, and the magazine acts in a forceful, progressive way in the
acceptance of an ideology, determining the need for permanence of a
identity. Although this is radical, being a constant in jihadist literature in the
last years. Prioritizing a reference defense, under the dynamic of 'some against
others' as a key role in his entire narrative.
These components must be accompanied by the analysis of psychological factors and
sociological findings arising from criminological theories.
The Regulation states that there is a need to fight against propaganda
most harmful online terrorist, but what is harmful? The regulations do not determine it, for
What should be included in the narrative, from the material that incites to the apology.
From the criminological point of view, it must assume that the subject exceeds the threshold
criminal that separates him from the criminal act, a subject who lacks affection towards
victim, that is, it is unimportant, the subject is not conditioned by
feelings surrounding the criminal act and behavior carried out; supposes
the result of a distortion in affection and sensitivity towards others that does not
They are part of his ideology.
Ultimately, this narrative concludes that we are dealing with subjects who use a
instrumental violence, planned, intentional, organizational in nature,
towards selected victims. Coordinates sharia with jihad, under synchronization of
criminal actions, imposing a specific philosophy. There is a radicalization that
translates as profiling in violent behavior, assimilation of ideas and beliefs
extreme. In which violent behavior is used, supported and facilitated for change
social. Antisocial subjects who do not deny belonging to the organization,
thus, further reaffirming the ideology in the narrative.