OISCOT publications arise as an expression of some of the activities developed by the Observatory itself dedicated to analysis, research and training.

Starting from our advisory and training activity, as well as close collaboration with political, institutional and university bodies, we will develop methodologies, programs, information projects and any other resource that is useful for society as a whole on issues of Global Security and Terrorism. and, consequently, we develop a line of works of different levels and aimed at diverse audiences.


The different formats of works cover both Reports both of a temporary and structural nature of the situation of Global Security and Terrorism at a global, regional or local level, the preparation of a Yearbook collecting statistics and different aspects of the phenomenon and books own monographic or broader themes on the various topics subject to analysis and research by the Observatory.


Likewise, on a semiannual basis, OISCOT will publish the scientific journal Geoconflicts & Intelligence specialized in Global Security, Intelligence and Leadership, Cooperation and Development and Terrorism.