Press news

Burkina Fasso: two different attacks have caused at least eight deaths, six of them civilians
Africa News with AFP Photo: Africanews/Domingo Alamba/The Associated Press Africa News. December 19, 2022 At least two Burkinabe soldiers and six civilians were killed

US warship sails through Taiwan Strait
By Nicolas Yong Photo: US Navy Archive BBC News. January 6, 2023 An American warship sailed through the Strait of

The arrest of "El Chapo"'s son has caused twenty-nine deaths
BBC News Photo: Reuters BBC News. January 7, 2023 At least 29 people died during the bloody operation to arrest the son of

Car bombs in Somalia: family of nine killed in attack in Hiraan
BBC News Photo: Getty Images BBC News BBC News. January 5, 2023 A family of nine died in a double attack with

The branch of Al Qaeda in the Sahel claims responsibility for two attacks perpetrated near the capital of Mali
Europa Press International Photo: Soldier of the Malian Army.- NICOLAS REMENE / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO Europa Press. January 5, 2023 The Group

Former ETA chief Mikel Irastorza sentenced in Paris to more than three years in prison
Europa Press National Photo: AFP Europa Press Archive. January 5, 2023 The former head of ETA Mikel Irastorza has been sentenced this Thursday