International Global Security Observatory
The technical and scientific response for the study of Global Security and Terrorism

OISCOT is an International Security Observatory that was born as an initiative of A-GLOSS (Agency of Global Security Services), being a technical and scientific response to the need for a global and depoliticized initiative, focused on the promotion, development and dissemination of those works that aim to study global phenomena that threaten peaceful coexistence, freedoms and the rights of citizens.


Global Security

Intelligence and Leadership

Terrorism and Organized Crime

Cooperation and Development

International Defense and Security


The new one Geoconflicts & Intelligence Magazine is published!

Magazine GEOCONFLICTS & INTELLIGENCE is the Magazine on Global Security and Terrorism, as a biannual Magazine specialized in Global Security, Intelligence and Leadership, Cooperation and Development, Terrorism pursues a triple objective, always in relation to these subjects: 

  • Promotion of scientific research.
  • Dissemination of jurisprudential and legislative developments.
  • Establish an academic and technical debate between professionals and researchers in Law, Criminology, Security, Intelligence and Terrorism.

The Geoconflicts & Intelligence magazine is a project dedicated to Global Security and Intelligence issues in the field of terrorism, with subscription in printed and electronic format and on a semi-annual basis. Its purpose is to involve the civil and scientific community in the subject and offer information, analysis and tools on Global Security and Terrorism in order to analyze the most relevant factors.

For this reason, the magazine is aimed at a broad sector of the public, to serve as a tool focused on investigating the indicated topics in multidisciplinary collaboration between groups of national and international experts.

Periodically, OISCOT will issue reports on the most relevant issues related to Global Security and Terrorism in the international arena, indicating the state of the issue at that time, its causes, the fundamental elements that promote them and the consequences that occur on the world order. , the relations between States and the peaceful coexistence of their citizens.

On an annual basis, we will publish the OISCOT Yearbook of Global Security and Terrorism in which researchers and experts on these topics will address, from a multidisciplinary perspective, the phenomenology related to Security, Intelligence and Terrorism on a global scale, thereby providing data of great interest. with a much more complete and precise vision. 

OISCOT, through this section, informs our users and subscribers about those works that within these themes have been published in Spain and in the world in general.

In this section, OISCOT tries to publicize both the news and activities that the Observatory promotes, technical articles written by us and our collaborators, other news that the media has been generating and the legislative developments that are emerging in these matters. approving


Semi-annual magazine specialized in Global Security, Intelligence, Geostrategy, Leadership, Cooperation and Development and Terrorism


The paradigm in mutation
of the modus operandi terrorist


Ruben Calle Prado
Montserrat López Melero

The threat of Islamist terrorism is perhaps the greatest threat facing the world since the end of World War II. The Islamists of the Islamic State, Al-Qaeda or other related groups focus on the creation of a caliphate based on the Unity of God and the principles of the Prophet, through the establishment of Sharia (Islamic law), governed by the Quran, and the Sunna (the sayings of the prophet, the oral transmission), that is, they try to bring concepts more attached to the religious principles of Salafism (primitive Islam).

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