It is a multidisciplinary conference of professors from different national and international universities, as doctors and academics from the Miguel de Cervantes European University (UEMC), Complutense University, University of Granada, University of Málaga, Virtual Academic University (UNIVIAC) of Mexico participate. , University of Burkina Faso. In addition, political authorities will also participate.
ORGANIZE: International Observatory for Global Security (OISCOT),
in collaboration with:
- Cifal-Malaga UNITAR Platform.
- Academic Virtual University of Mexico.
- Euro-African International Forum.
- International Observatory for the Defense of Human Rights.
DATE: June 22, 2023
Schedule: From 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Spain Time)
Half: AglossAcademy Zoom Platform
Registration deadline: June 10, 2023. Through the form
Maximum attendance allowed: 80 people
At the end of the day, a series of awards will be granted. certificates
- OISCOT attendance certificate.
- Certificate of attendance CIFAL-Málaga UNITAR Platform for those people who meet the requirements and finish the virtual course: @Open Government and Sustainable Development Goals.
- Certificate of attendance CIFAL-Málaga UNITAR Platform for those who, in addition to completing the virtual course, attend the Conference and pay the corresponding amount.
For those who wish, you can download the Job summaries.
He Program of the day is the one below