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- Fecha de creación 14/12/2024
- Última actualización 03/01/2025
Center for Studies and Initiatives on Discrimination and Violence (CEIDIV)
The cult of violence is a central element of the hooligan lifestyle, and while they are inconvenient for many sports clubs, they maintain a persistent presence in stadiums. These individuals integrate their violent behavior into their personal and professional spheres, while radicalizing themselves by adopting extremist ideologies. Across Eurasia, violent hooligan groups are becoming politicized into national socialist, ultra-left or ethno-separatist currents. Traditionally, the outlet for this ultra-violence has been arranged fights, but the armed conflict in Donbass and the subsequent war between Russia and Ukraine have attracted thousands of hooligan members from Eurasia, who have been enlisting in militias on both sides, spreading extremist ideologies that are inconvenient for governments, but considered useful for armed combat. These volunteers, upon returning to their countries of origin, represent a potential internal threat, as some could carry out terrorist actions because of their ideology.
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