Open Access Statement

Open Access Statement

In the spirit of fostering a global community of shared knowledge, GEOCONFLICTS & INTELLIGENCE. Magazine on Global Security and Terrorism, is committed to providing free and unrestricted access to its contents. Aware that the wide and barrier-free dissemination of scientific research, legal and legislative developments, and academic debates enrich and strengthen societies, we declare that our journal is Open Access.


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The Journal provides free access to all the contents of the electronic edition of each volume, distributed under a “Creative Commons -Attribution/Recognition-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International” license for use and distribution.


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We address a diverse audience, with the mission of serving as an analytical and practical tool in the areas of Global Security, Intelligence and Terrorism. We encourage multidisciplinary collaboration and the exchange of knowledge between national and international experts, all under the premise that access to knowledge is a fundamental right for advancement and cooperation.


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Published by International Global Security Observatory


2023 (Vol. 1), 2024 (Vol. 2)




Global security, Intelligence, Organized crime, Terrorism, Leadership, Cooperation and Development, Criminology, Law and Psychology


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