Notes from the Editorial Committee
- Publications
- Geoconflicts & Intelligence Magazine
- Notes from the Editorial Committee
Notes from the Editorial Committee
Magazine GEOCONFLICTS & INTELLIGENCE OISCOT reserves all rights, in accordance with what is indicated in art. 32 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the consolidated text of the Intellectual Property Law, regularizing, clarifying and harmonizing the current legal provisions on the matter, on citations and reviews of the content of the magazine.
The editor and deputy editor of the magazine GEOCONFLICTS & INTELLIGENCE of OISCOT, will not accept responsibility for the possible consequences caused by any information contained in this publication, given that they are individual in nature developed by the author.
The articles published in this journal are subject to an external arbitration system.

Published by International Global Security Observatory
2023 (Vol. 1), 2024 (Vol. 2)
Global security, Intelligence, Organized crime, Terrorism, Leadership, Cooperation and Development, Criminology, Law and Psychology
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