Publication and style standards
- Publications
- Geoconflicts & Intelligence Magazine
- Authors
- Publication and style standards
The GEOCONFLICTS & INTELLIGENCE Magazine. Magazine on Global Security and Terrorism, publishes original works on subjects related to: Global Security, Intelligence, Organized Crime, Terrorism, Leadership, Cooperation and Development, Criminology and Law with its related subjects, such as, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Penitentiary Law, Administrative Law, sanctioning or Criminal Policy and Psychology related to the previous topics mentioned.
As part of the publishing process, authors are required to verify that their submissions meet all elements of the Guidelines shown below. Those submissions that do not comply with the same will be returned to the authors, that is:
- That the article has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal or is under peer review.
- That the text of the article meets the requirements on style and bibliographic references indicated in the Guidelines for Authors.
Sending originals: The authors will upload their works in Spanish or English and in Word (doc.) format through this website (
Format: The sending of originals must comply with the following format:
- They must be unpublished and will not be pending publication in any other media.
- They will have an extension between 25 and 60 pages, and must be numbered.
- The text must be justified and with single spacing. That is, justification of 2.5 and line spacing of 1 or 1.15.
- The font for the main text will be “Times New Roman 12” and for the footnotes “Times New Roman 10”.
- The following information will be included on the first page of the article:
- Work title.
- Author's name.
- Academic or professional affiliation and the Institution to which it belongs.
- Summary with a maximum of ten lines in Spanish and English.
- Keywords, with a maximum of five (in alphabetical order), in Spanish and English.
- Summary with the headings of which the article is structured and composed.
Bibliographic references, in addition to including the complete list at the end of the article (Bibliography), must be included at the foot of the page and the form of citation will be as follows:
Monographs: SURNAME of the author, initial of the first name, title of the book (in italics), publisher, place and date of edition, page/s.
Example: MARÍ, EE, The problem of punishment, speech by Jeremy Bentham and Michael Foucault, Hachette, Buenos Aires, 1983, p. 10.
Collective work chapter: SURNAME of the author and initial of the name, “title of the chapter” (in quotation marks), surname and initial of the name of the director (Dir.) or coordinator (Coord.) of the work, title of the work(in italics), publisher, place, date and page or pages.
Example: LÓPEZ MELERO, M., “Forensic profiles of dangerousness in inmates of white collar crimes for penitentiary treatment”, in Rodríguez Almirón, F., Bustos Rubio, M., (Dir.) The socioeconomic system from the prism of Criminal Law and Criminology, Aranzadi, Madrid, 2019, p. 83.
Magazine article: SURNAME of the author and initial of the first name, “title of the article” (in quotes), name of the Magazine(in italics), volume or number, year, page or pages.
Example: LÓPEZ MELERO, M., “Reeducation and social reintegration of the prisoner (terrorist)”, Yearbook of Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences, t. LXXII, MMXIX, 40 years of the General Organic Penitentiary Law, Ministry of Justice, Government of Spain, Madrid, 2019, pp. 701-729.
Online articles: SURNAME of the author and initial of the name, “title of the article” (in quotes), email address where it is available.
The first mention of a work in a footnote must be complete, and subsequent mentions must include the SURNAME of the author and the initial of the name, followed by ob. cit. and the page.
Example: LÓPEZ MELERO, M., “Reeducation and social reintegration of the prisoner (terrorist)”, ob. cit., p. 10.
Original articles sent if they do not conform to the indicated specifications may be returned to their authors for correction.
Articles may include graphs, tables, charts, all duly cited.
Reviews. The magazine accepts Reviews of published books and magazine articles; it is recommended that they be longer than five and less than ten pages. Acceptance for publication will depend on the Editorial Management and the Editorial Board.
Reviews. The journal accepts updated reviews or syntheses on a specific topic at the request of the Editorial Board on a prominent scientific area. They will have a length of more than five and less than twenty pages.
Letters or Communiqués. The magazine accepts Letters or Communications describing important research findings adjusted to the theme of the magazine. It is recommended that it be longer than five and less than ten pages. Acceptance for publication will depend on the Editorial Management and the Editorial Board.
If the Management and the Editorial Board deem it appropriate and necessary, the Magazine may contain supplementary material, consisting of empirical or graphic information from original articles that, due to problems of space or clarity in the exposition, are decided to be left out of the article.
Jurisprudence. The magazine accepts a Jurisprudence section that establishes doctrine on the subject to which the magazine is dedicated. They will have a length of more than five and less than twenty pages.
Legislation. Analysis of legislative developments that, due to their modification or new wording, have an impact and must be developed or commented on according to the theme of the Magazine, are accepted.
Likewise, the magazine accepts Scientific comments on Circulars or Instructions issued by the State Attorney General's Office on the topics to which this magazine is dedicated.
Once the article has been submitted, to be admitted, they must pass a prior evaluation carried out by two experts from outside the Journal, specialists in the subject. The anonymity of both the author and the evaluators will be strictly maintained.
A report will be issued by the evaluators. The authors of the articles will receive the communication by email that will include the reasons why the works are accepted, their denial with a new review after correction or the rejection of the article.
The evaluators' report will include the following results:
Favorable evaluation. In the event that the reports of each evaluator were so.
- Favorable evaluation. Although with the need to make corrections as a condition for the publication of the work. A deadline is given to the author.
- Unfavorable assessment. In the event that the reports of each evaluator are so, which entails non-acceptance of the work.
- Mixed assessment, that is, one report is favorable and another is unfavorable. It will be the Editorial Board and the Editors-in-Chief of the Journal who decide, and the work may be sent to a third external evaluator whose report will be binding.
For those articles that, after the favorable report of both evaluators, are accepted for publication, the authors will be provided with a contract for the transfer of exploitation rights. Once completed and signed by the author, it must be sent to the Editors-in-Chief of the Journal. This procedure will be a necessary and essential condition for the publication of the work.

Published by International Global Security Observatory
2023 (Vol. 1), 2024 (Vol. 2)
Global security, Intelligence, Organized crime, Terrorism, Leadership, Cooperation and Development, Criminology, Law and Psychology
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