General Guidelines
The author must take into account the Declaration of Ethics and Good Practices and the publication and style standards of the Journal.
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- For the publication of an issue: one year.
- For the presentation of originals: The author will be notified of the available period.
- To acknowledge receipt of the original: It is immediate upon shipment.
- To verify that the original fits the theme of the Magazine and complies with the publication standards: one month maximum.
- To perform the review (external review, acceptance/rejection, introduction of modifications): two months maximum.
The publication of the works has no cost for the authors.
Scientific originality: The author guarantees that the article submitted for evaluation is unpublished, scientifically original and not submitted at the same time to other Magazines, volumes or periodical publications without the express consent of the Editorial Board. If the article is subsequently published in other Magazines or volumes, “Geoconflicts & Intelligence” must be informed and give its consent to this, without prejudice to the fact that the following publication makes express reference to the publication in “Geoconflicts & Intelligence”. It is also required that the author properly cite the texts used following the editorial rules indicated for publication in the Journal, taking care that the work and/or words of other authors are properly paraphrased or cited literally with the adequate indication of sources. Authors must follow the editorial rules of the Journal.
Work integration: The Editorial Board may request from the authors the corrections and additions it deems appropriate, also after the anonymous evaluation of the reviewers. In certain cases, the Editorial Board may transfer the aforementioned anonymous arbitration to the author. The authors may express their observations or objections in this regard, which will later be decided by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make purely editorial changes after the first correction of the proofs, in order to guarantee the formal homogeneity of the Journal's publication.
Authorship and participation: The authorship of the work must be clearly indicated. All those who have made a significant contribution to the creation of the article must be listed as co-authors. The contribution of other people in a significant way to some phases of the research must also be explicitly recognized. In the case of contributions from several people, the participation of each author must be clearly indicated.
Conflicts of interest: The author must not have any conflict of interest that may have affected the results obtained, the arguments supported or the proposed interpretations. The author must also indicate the funders of the research or project from which the article is derived.
Correction of inaccuracies in the article: If an author identifies a significant error or inaccuracy in one of their articles, they must immediately inform the Journal and provide all the data necessary to make the necessary changes at the bottom or in the appendix of the article. You must also provide for the correction of the manuscript by actively collaborating with the editor, even if the correction comes from the Editorial Board of the Journal, unless otherwise agreed.
Signature of cover letter and assignment of intellectual property rights: The authors must sign the document of presentation and transfer of intellectual property rights of their work after the evaluation and approval of its publication by the Editorial Committee and after the appropriate review, consequently, the works that they fail to comply with this condition.
Utility of work: In the subjects of the Journal, work is almost never carried out at an experimental level, understood as a laboratory experiment. Therefore, the study that is intended to be published must fill this obvious gap by clearly identifying the problem. If the work presents a novel or creative solution, it will be considered valuable as long as the conclusion has a practical reflection, which can be demonstrated, among many other methods, by citing previous experiences or jurisprudence. Unless it is irrational, the novel solution can be considered acceptable for publication, regardless of the possible real success of said solution, which, logically, is often very difficult to predict. This prediction could be provided by a subsequent field study, even though it is sometimes very unlikely due to the difficulty of obtaining a sufficiently representative sample to carry out said study.
Sufficiency of the sources used: A scientific work must prove having consulted the most representative works on the subject considered, but not in the sense that these contributions must have been cited bureaucratically and uncritically in the article, but rather it must be justified that work has been done on those previous ideas, identifying them. . Articles may have few citations or little bibliography. But they cannot start from the main ideas of other authors without citing their works or specifying these ideas. Much more serious is reaching the same conclusions, exposing them, but without citing the works in which those ideas were presented. The only excuse is that the source of the original idea is not easily accessible. In this way, the essential careful work of prior documentation before writing a scientific article is promoted.
Analysis of history, in general, and current historical reality, in particular: Although this does not always happen, many works require a historical analysis when the problem currently considered already existed previously, in order to expose what were the solutions that were applied at the time, along with their practical result if it is possible to know it. It is not, however, about preparing a work of History in general in each study, it is only intended that the author does not ignore that, before him/her, other authors expressed their ideas, of so that we can take advantage of those past reflections, completing more quickly the path that those ancient jurists already traveled. In this sense, the location of unknown precedents of the problem studied is very valuable.
Consider Comparative Law: If the work has a very prominent legal background, a work of authentic research must have consulted foreign law, at least in the languages known by the author. Foreign Law is the same with respect to the present as History is with respect to the past. The contrast of experiences, reflections and results perfects the ideas of any investigation, and no study should disregard this possibility of confrontation of one's own ideas with those of others.
Compendium works: Sometimes there is so much disorder in the treatment of a subject, and such a number of sources, that a work that exposes the state of the matter can be very useful. They are intermediate works, in which historical and bibliographic exhaustiveness is much more valued. They do not usually reach any new conclusions, but they should be the first stepping stone for future research. They are only acceptable in cases of notable disordered plurality in the scientific study of a subject. Consequently, the Journal will not accept works that consist of simple doctrinal or jurisprudential compilations, except in the indicated case.
Once the works are received, acknowledgment of receipt will be sent to the authors with an indication of the approximate duration of the evaluation process. In no case will the reception or evaluation of the works be certified before their final acceptance.
The works received will be analyzed by the Journal Management and whether, in their opinion, they meet the requirements set out in the sections dedicated to review and acceptance criteria for publication in the Journal. If they are accepted, their evaluation process will begin within a maximum period of 5 days from receipt. Otherwise, they will be returned to their authors with reasons for the decision.
The works selected in accordance with the previous point will be sent for confidential evaluation, duly anonymized, to two reviewers or peers designated by the Steering Committee and the Editorial Committee whose identity will be preserved (double blind).
The results of the evaluation will be communicated by computer means established for this purpose to the authors of the works, accompanying a summary of the main points of the reports of the people who carried out the evaluation, omitting their identity, in those cases. where modifications are necessary.
The Management may provisionally accept for publication works with two positive evaluations, even if these include suggestions for modification. In the latter case, the work will be returned to the person who submitted it so that they can incorporate said suggestions within the non-extendable period of fifteen days.
Works that have two negative evaluations or one negative and another with substantial modifications will not be published.
Each provisionally accepted study will be submitted for ratification by the Editorial Committee. The agreement of the Editorial Committee will take place within a maximum period of 5 days from its receipt.
The results of the described process will be final in all cases.
Once the study is definitively accepted, and only in the event that the evaluated original does not comply with the formal publication rules, it will be returned to its author for the corresponding adaptation.
The author retains the copyright of his/her work and exclusively transfers the rights of edition and print and electronic distribution to the Magazine and, non-exclusively, the rights of reproduction, public communication and transformation or use for total or partial insertion with or without modifications in other publications, although you must request the corresponding permission from the Journal's management.

Published by International Global Security Observatory
2023 (Vol. 1), 2024 (Vol. 2)
Global security, Intelligence, Organized crime, Terrorism, Leadership, Cooperation and Development, Criminology, Law and Psychology
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