About the magazine

Magazine GEOCONFLICTS & INTELLIGENCE. Magazine on Global Security and Terrorism, As an Annual Magazine specialized in Global Security, Intelligence and Leadership, Cooperation and Development, Terrorism pursues a triple objective, always in relation to these matters:

The magazine was launched in January 2023 as a project dedicated to Global Security and Intelligence issues in the field of terrorism. It is available for subscription in electronic format and is published annually. Its purpose is to involve the civil and scientific community in the subject and to offer information, analysis and tools on Global Security and Terrorism in order to be able to analyse the most relevant factors.

For this reason, the magazine is aimed at a broad sector of the public, to serve as a tool focused on investigating the indicated topics in multidisciplinary collaboration between groups of national and international experts.

The journal publishes original and unpublished articles on the indicated subjects and, being of a scientific nature, places special emphasis on the rigor with which the authors must approach the proposed research topics, whose originality and timeliness are mandatory requirements, under the guidelines indicated in Guidelines for Authors.

Open Access Policy

The Journal provides free access to all the contents of the electronic edition of each volume, distributed under a license for use and distribution “Creative Commons -Attribution/Recognition-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International”


You can consult the informative version and the legal text of the license at: 


How to cite this publication

Geoconflicts & Intelligence. Journal on Global Security and Terrorism. Toledo: International Observatory of Global Security, ISSN-e: 3020-4895.

Published by International Global Security Observatory


2023 (Vol. 1), 2024 (Vol. 2)




Global security, Intelligence, Organized crime, Terrorism, Leadership, Cooperation and Development, Criminology, Law and Psychology


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