Book Review: International Terrorism

The work International Terrorism. The paradigm in the mutation of the terrorist modus operandi, written by the authors Rubén Calle Prado and the academic director of the International Observatory of Global Security, Montserrat López Melero, has been widely reviewed by various media outlets and has been presented throughout Spain with success. Among the reviews that we want to highlight for its exhaustiveness is the one that the digital newspaper The Impartial, on July 3, 2022. The review begins with these words that predicted a good review: «the authors offer us a work that is as necessary as it is rigorous in which they address the main threat that open societies face: terrorism. Both, aware of the complexity of the object of study, coherently combine several academic disciplines (history, law, criminology...) in their analysis. 

For those who want to read the full review, you can click here

Authors: Rubén Calle Prado and Montserrat López Melero

DELTA PUBLICATIONS, 2021. 112 pages.